Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Garden Update


Our garden is producing its harvest and what a delight that is to witness!

Here's a shot of the garden from an upstairs window of our house. Everything is growing well, so lush and green.

Our lettuce is done now. We've dug what was left out of the garden. 

Our sweet peas with edible pods grew well but we found that we didn't really enjoy eating them. We did eat some. We shared some. And those are done now and also dug out of the garden. 

Currently we are enjoying the green bean harvest. Every-other-day we pick enough to have with our evening meal. They are delicious. 

Our cantaloups are growing bigger day by day.  We also have very small peppers and cucumbers starting to grow. It'll be another week or so before they are ready to eat, but they are coming along nicely.

Our corn varies quite a bit, with some just knee-high and others much taller. Here my daughter is with one of the tallest stalks.

I had a few flowers given to me on Mother's Day. We planted those in the garden amongst the veggies. Love the splash of pink and purple in with all the green. 

 My purpose in posting these updates is two fold. You get to see the progress (and be a vicarious gardener, if you wish) and I have a record (including pictures) of how the garden did this year. That will come in handy next spring when I'm planning the garden and look back at my tips, tricks and suggestions from this year. 

That's my mid-summer garden update.

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