Friday, July 13, 2012

Family Photo Friday


I can't believe how quickly this week flew by.
Another week is over and the weekend awaits!

On Fridays I always share some photos from our week. 

This lovely bird is a decoration that lives in my garden. My son put that lovely walnut shell on him for a hat. 
Adorable, I say.

We bought a new shower curtain last weekend. So I took the old one down and let the kids have fun with it before we threw it away. First, they used crayons to color on it which was fun for a few minutes. Then I made chocolate pudding and let them paint on it, which was fun for 30 minutes! 

It started off simple enough, with letters and small pictures. It ended with my son ice-skating on it (yes, he was stripped down to his undies to avoid stains on his clothes), using it more like a slip and slide. And of course he would stop often to eat the pudding too. Fun, fun, fun!

My kids helped make supper one night. They had way too much energy and needed something to keep their hands busy. So I pulled out a favorite chicken roll-up recipe and put them to work together. They loved helping and we all enjoyed eating the supper they prepared!  

Here are my silly kids playing dress up. My son with that big nose and glasses... totally cracks me up! 

We pulled out a 1000 piece puzzle this week and tackled it in about 5 days. We don't do big puzzles often, but once or twice a year I get an itch to do a puzzle. Yup, I'm weird like that. 

That's a glimpse into my week. 
May yours be as joyous and filled with memories in the making!

Happy Friday to you!

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