Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Extended Family Get-Together


Last Friday night we had an extended family get-together that was a TON of fun. This was my husband's side of the family. Some cousins were visiting from New York state. Some local relatives own a bed-and-breakfast nearby so they hosted the big group. We all pitched in and enjoyed a potluck supper together. 

The weather was gorgeous, so we enjoyed time outside in the large yard. 

One local family brought some puppies and kittens for the kids to play with. These were more fun than any toy could ever be! All of the kids were ready to take a puppy or kitten home by the end of the evening.  

Here's my niece Jasmine with 3 kittens napping on her lap. 

A group shot of second cousins - Jasmine, Hannah and Lydia.

First cousins who rarely see each other, but love hanging out when they get the chance - Sheila and Heidi.

My daughter loves furry animals, but since I'm allergic she doesn't often get to handle them this much. She was adoring this puppy.

Another cousin that we love and need to get together with more often - Merry (believe it or not, her claim to fame is that she is married to Joseph).

And another cousin that we rarely see but really enjoy hanging out with - Suzy. Although she's my husband's cousin, she and I worked together one summer at camp, so I know her fairly well.

The best thing about this side of the family is the laughter. Nobody in this group takes themselves seriously. They all are hilarious and serve to remind me to cut loose more often and enjoy the lighter side of life. 

Family - what a gift! 

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