Monday, June 4, 2012

Girl Scouts Field Trip: Conner Prairie

One day last week our Girl Scout troop took a field trip to Conner Prairie near Indianapolis. Conner Prairie is an interactive living history museum. 

Bright and early, the troop gathered at 7 am to head out for the big day. 

 After the nearly 3-hour car ride (one way), the girls were ready to release some energy! 

Conner Prairie is known for a tethered hot-air balloon ride. However, it was too cold, rainy and windy on the day of this visit for the balloon to go up. Bummer! The girls gathered inside the basket anyway.

Part of the museum is in pioneer-days style, so they visited a potter's shop to watch the potter make mugs. 

They saw a covered wagon... uncovered.  

They learned about making candles, blacksmithing, and animal trapping. Here they were able to feel numerous animals furs.
 They played with toys that kids in the 1800s would've played with.

They visited an old-fashioned outhouse. Thumbs up - as in, aren't we thankful someone invented indoor plumbing! 

They dressed up in clothes from that era.

There were some petting-farm animals around, including numerous rambunctious goats.

This field trip is one of the things the troop had decided to do with the cookie money profits. I am so proud of the girls for making a great choice that everyone enjoyed (and maybe they didn't know it, but it was educational too). 

I asked my daughter if this trip made all of the hard work she did in January and February with the cookie sales worth it. "Oh yeah! It sure did!" was her reply. 

Two thumbs up for Conner Prairie! 

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