Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary!


Such beautiful memories of my wedding day. 
Smiling so much my mouth hurt. 
Gorgeous flowers. Beautiful balloons. 
Surrounded by loved ones.
Pledging my life to the man I love. 

How I treasure the memories of that special day! 
This Sunday marks 12 years since that day.

Some years are full of greatness and mountain peaks. 
Other years are marked with suffering and journeying through valleys. The past year has been a valley kind of year for us. Suffering. Pain. Grief. Heartache. 

And yet, we are together. 
And although we wouldn't have chosen this difficult path for ourselves, we are stronger for having walked it together. 

This is what we pledged to one another. 
Faithfulness. In good times and bad. 
Love. In joy and in sorrow.
Sharing hopes and dreams, even when they are dashed.

How very thankful I am for you, dear husband of mine! 
Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! What beautiful words to share on your anniversary!
