Friday, May 4, 2012

Family Photo Friday


It's Friday. Around here that means that I post pictures from our week. We had a busy week and I didn't get too many pictures, but here are a couple.

My daughter was hanging out with a friend, playing with their webcam and picture effects. Here's a funny mirror-image shot of my daughter, with one eye. 

And a silly baby face. She thought this was the neatest thing in the world and took a dozen or more of these crazy shots.

My son was helping Daddy unload mulch and spread it around our trees. He's a great helper all the time, but especially in the yard. He loves to grab his kid-sized shovel or wheelbarrow and help out. Even though he's only 4, he is already at the stage where he can truly be helpful. It's wonderful! 

Happy Friday to all! Make your weekend count for something - invest in the lives of others! 

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