Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Celebrations, continued


We've returned home after spending a few days in Wisconsin, enjoying Christmas celebrations with my side of the family. One evening we were at my dad's house, along with aunts, uncles and cousins that we rarely get to see.

My son, in typical childlike fashion, was excited to see Grandpa but also the toys that he knows Grandpa has. He was anxious to ride this horse, as well as play with a big fire truck and cement mixer truck that Grandpa owns.Here my daughter and her cousin Christa were using paddles to clap out a little chant they performed for us all - the Girl Scout promise. Both of them are Girl Scouts so they both knew "the promise" and recited it for all to hear. "On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country, to help people at all times and to live by the Girl Scout law."
Here is my son playing with cousin Danielle, who was playing with these magnetic balls she'd received as a gift. She used them to create rings and bracelets for my son. He loved it!

I was glad we were able to catch up with a few "long lost relatives" that we haven't seen for years. I was also pleasantly surprised by my grandma and one aunt who shared their condolences over the loss of our baby and recounted a bit of their own experiences with miscarriages. I appreciated their kindness and was encouraged.

I'm reminded today that the real meaning of Christmas is "Emmanuel." It is God with us. It is God coming to earth to share in our troubles and trials. In the same way that it is encouraging to hear from others who have walked the same path we're on, it is encouraging to know that Christ has walked this earth and experienced the ups and downs that we all encounter. That is Good News!

Merry Christmas! Emmanuel has come!

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