Friday, January 13, 2012

Family Photo Friday


Friday is here again. I have a few photos from our week to share.

My daughter is still taking piano lessons (it's been about 6 months since she started). Here she was dutifully practicing her lesson. My husband reading a favorite book to our son. This boy loves books and he loves his daddy!

Ode to the Twinkie. With the recent news that Hostess is declaring bankruptcy, I mentioned Twinkies to my kids. I was met with "What's a Twinkie?" They have never had Twinkies (gasp!) so I made sure to pick some up on my next shopping trip. Here they are having their first-ever Twinkies.
My daughter found Twinkies to be a bit dry and passed hers on to little brother, who gladly finished his own and the rest of hers. What are brothers for?!

Happy Friday, y'all!

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