Friday, December 16, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Friday is here again! We have a very busy day today with numerous holiday happenings. I'll try to take some pictures to share next week. This week seemed to pass quickly, though my son continued to battle an ear infection and have restless nights. Thankfully he is on the mend and we're all sleeping better as a result.

I have only one snapshot to share this week. On Sunday my son surprised me by choosing to wear this fancy outfit, tie and vest and all. Then he grabbed his blue sunglasses. He spent the day either wearing them as glasses or hanging them like this from his vest. What a cool dude he was... and so adorably cute!

We had portraits of my kids taken a few weeks ago but I hadn't posted these shots of my daughter yet. So here are a few of our favorites.

Growing up, as kids tend to do.

So pretty.

Happy Friday to you

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