Monday, December 5, 2011

A day for provision


Last Monday was my day. My day for God to remind me that He's there and He cares even for the little details of life. My day for things to be poured into my lap.

First, I took advantage of a Cyber Monday deal at Amazon and bought something for myself that I've been saving up to buy for over a year. I was able to get an AMAZING deal on it, which I'll share another time. But I was thankful and excited that the time had finally come and patience paid off.

Second, my mother offered to give us a Christmas tree. Yes, we have a Christmas tree already. However, it is not in the greatest shape. As a matter of fact, a piece or two fell off when we put it up this year. So when we visit my mom later this month, we'll be able to pick up a new-to-us tree.

Third, I opened my mailbox and found a homeschooling magazine WITH MY CHILDREN on the cover! Over a year ago I had submitted some photos to them for their consideration. A few months ago I heard back that they had chosen one of the photos for their fall magazine cover. So I knew it was coming but I didn't know when. Last Monday it arrived in the mail and looked great. How fun!

Fourth, my curriculum company sent a free Christmas gift to their customers and that arrived on Monday too.

It was an exciting day! I must say that it didn't end well, however. My son had an earache at bedtime which resulted in a trip to the 24-hour urgent care clinic where we sat from 10:30 pm until 1:30 just waiting for a doctor. It was 3:15 A.M. when we got home. At least we had a diagnosis - an ear infection - and medicine to help.

I guess you could say that I felt a bit like Cinderella - having a great day soaking in the deals and at the "stroke of midnight" it had ended! :-)

When God provides for us in unexpected ways - it's a blessing to receive His provision and see the generosity and thoughtfulness of others. It was a blessed day!

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