Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Celebrations!


Our immediate family celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve Day this year.

We spent time in the morning around the piano, singing Christmas carols - one of our favorite things to do as a family. My usually shy and quiet daughter can really belt out the tunes, when I'm playing and singing with her.

We talked through the Christmas story. With my son turning 4 recently, it was neat to see the nativity story come alive to him for the first time. He got it this year. He knows the main characters and can recite most of the storyline. His wonder and excitement fueled my own wonder and excitement over the familiar stor

Mid-day, we opened our gifts, allowing the kids plenty of time to play with and enjoy their gifts. Traditionally, we give just 3 gifts per person - usually one is practical (like clothes), one is educational (like a puzzle or books) and one is fun (like a toy). This year there were 4 gifts per person. My husband received some t-shirts, long-johns, and a pair of jeans. The kids and I picked out this 15-in-1 game set for him also. My daughter especially was SO excited about this gift (partly because she really enjoys playing board games with Dad). I think this was the first time that she experienced the joy and excitement of giving gifts. She was seriously more excited to see Dad open this one gift than she was about opening her own gifts. I was so proud of her maturity. And yes, we've already played at least 4 of the 15 games in the 2 days since Dad opened the gift. I received a pair of slippers, a small frying pan (perfect for one egg), and numerous bath salts and lotions. My daughter also made me a special card. I also maintain that one of my Christmas presents was a gift from me to me: my free Kitchenaid Mixer.Here is my daughter with her 4 gifts. The new bike was definitely her biggest and best gift. She's been riding a too-small kids bike for over a year so it was time for an upgrade. She is so excited to have a big bike now. She also received a set of 6-books (for her to read during our upcoming holiday travels), a package of socks, and a pottery wheel. She is fascinated with watching people make pottery so I knew this gift would be perfect for her, allowing her to make her own clay pottery at home.
Here's my son with his gifts - a set of pajamas, a pair of snow boots, a Lego kit and a wooden block puzzle-thingy (will be an educational thing for him to work on while sister is "doing school"). He really enjoyed the Lego kit - which has a semi cab and trailer made out of Legos, as well as a toy store. All 4 of us worked together to make the semi and store for him to play with. He's loving Legos these days!

We had a very nice Christmas celebration this year. Good attitudes prevailed. Although I can't capture it in a photo, there was a focus on Christ's coming more than on gifts we were receiving.

A very merry Christmas indeed!

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