Friday, October 21, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Another week has flown by and Friday is here again.
Today I'm sharing a few photos from our week.

Our Girl Scout troop is having a Harvest Party today. I signed up to bring leaf and pumpkin cookies to share at the potluck lunch. Here are about 60 of them.

We watched our little buddy Eli one day this week. He enjoyed playing the piano and was proud to climb up there onto the piano bench all by himself.

My son showing off his big smile and his colorful drawing.

My pretty girl when she was drawing (a favorite past-time of hers these days).

My husband has been working on an insulation project in our attic. My son "helped" a little bit. They halted their work long enough to pose for this shot together.

Cootie - what a classic kid game. My husband and kids enjoyed playing Cootie together one night this week.

Happy weekend to you!

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