Friday, October 7, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Ok. Is it just me or did somebody push the fast-forward button on this week? How can it be Friday again already?! Here are a few pictures from our week... though I didn't take many. We were outside working in flower beds and raking leaves much of this week, enjoying beautiful "Indian summer" weather.

This is my first installment of "When You Give a Kid a Camera" photos. :-) My daughter had the camera and somehow she got this shot of herself. Silly girl!

Here's another of her shots - a Lincoln Log fort she made.

My son and his doll Eli all wrapped up in blankets.
Just look at that mischievous grin!

Speaking of Eli, we had the real deal here, as we watched our little buddy Eli for one day this week. Here he and my son were sitting on the stairs. Hard to believe that Eli is over 18 months now - walking, babbling, at such a fun stage. My son's face in this picture is so typical of him right now - eyes closed and a big grin. Hard to get a good picture of him these days.

Here is my daughter showing off her latest feat - hanging upside down, no hands. You can see the leaves in this picture - clearly it's fall time - and yet we've had beautiful, sunny, 70s and 80s weather all week. We are loving that!

Happy Friday to you!

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