Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mini-Golf and Motivation


The end of summer is here. If you're like us, you may have one, two, or a dozen items left on your "do this summer" list. May I encourage you to JUST DO IT before the cold weather is here and the moment is lost?

Mini-golfing was one item left on our summer to-do list that we had put off until just this week. When I realized it was time to turn the calendar to September, I knew that our days for summer fun were quickly fading. So we made plans to fit this in yet this week.

My son - who ended up not playing golf but instead holding my putter the entire time. But he said he enjoyed himself.

My daughter - probably the one who enjoys miniature golf the most and has been asking to do this for many, many weeks.

My husband readying himself for a great shot. I don't have a good picture of me, but I am proud to say that I had a hole-in-one shot (the first that I can recall).

My kids, hiding under a tree at the mini-golf course. :-)

Whatever is still on your summer agenda, GET TO IT!

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