Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Little Girl Turns 8


She turns 8 this week! Who can believe it?!
My firstborn. My only daughter. Growing into a beautiful young lady!

8 years ago I held this little girl and didn't know what I was doing as a new mom. I don't think any experiences or training or books can really prepare you for the monumental task of parenting. It's "on the job" training in which you grow and learn right beside your children as they grow and learn.

As I consider the last 12 months, I know my daughter has grown in maturity. I see greater patience, more understanding and greater effort at working hard. Goals for the next 12 months would include showing more compassion for others, exercising self-control and better time management.

This girl definitely has a fun side. She is very creative in her play - whether hula-hooping outside with friends or building palaces and thrones out of blocks or drawing a floor plan.

My daughter has changed a lot this year in her looks because she has lost so many baby teeth and has permanent teeth coming in. Gone is that little girl look. But that sparkle in her eye remains!

Happy Birthday, Beautiful!

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