Friday, August 26, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Friday is here again. On this blog that means that I post pictures from our week. Here's what this week held for our family.

A picture of me and my hubby - rare for us to be in a picture together, since one of us is usually behind the camera.

I liked my son's smile in this picture, as he showed off his sippy-cup inside a blue plastic stickered-all-over wine glass. I think he looks good in yellow.

My daughter came across this Indian dress and fake fur. Since we're studying American Indians in school these days, she immediately tried them on and became Pocahontas. She pulled out the felt/fringe/bead Indian purse we made months ago to complete the ensemble. Her hair in Indian braids would be the only thing missing.

My son and my hubby playing guitar together - a favorite pastime!

We had some overnight guests this week - my husband's cousin Doug and his wife Christina and their daughter Mia, who live in New York and were passing through while on vacation. In this picture Doug is reading to my daughter, my son and his daughter. He reads books with a lot of dramatic flair, so I believe he entertained the kids with at least a dozen fairly lengthy books during their 3 days with us.

Happy Friday to you!

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