Thursday, June 2, 2011

Foster Parenting - Log #14


We have had our little Candace (not her real name) with us now since Friday night. Overall, things are going very well. She continues to sleep very well. After the first day with us her appetite increased and she is now eating great. She is enjoying bananas and watermelon, noodles, whole milk and juice. Much improved over what she would eat when she arrived with us.

There was a court hearing yesterday but I have not heard the outcome yet. The judge could have granted custody to her out-of-state relative, in which case Candace will be leaving us soon. Or the judge could keep things on their current track - of paperwork and processing to eventually grant custody to the out-of-state relative, in about 1-3 months. We are waiting to hear from our caseworker to find out.

For now, we are just enjoying our time with Candace. She is a sweetheart. She has a great personality and is very easy to care for. She is simply a joy to have around!

Here is a picture of her with my all-smiles son.

More updates to come.

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