Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Anniversary!


11 years ago today I married my best friend! What a special day that was! I remember it so well - my face being sore at the end of the day from smiling so much, feeling so loved by all of the friends and family who attended the wedding ceremony!

Whenever I attend a wedding I am reminded of this: this exact same group of people will never again come together in this way to celebrate the union of these two people. Some will move away. Some will pass away. Some friendships will fade. But for these brief moments, they come together to show their support of marriage and of the commitment of two people who are important to them.

Weddings are wonderfully special events. I treasure the memories and photographs I have from mine. And although 11 years have passed since that day, it remains a very special day in my life, marking the start of a new family and a new phase of life.

The years pass quickly but our love remains firm and strong.
Happy Anniversary, my dear!

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