Friday, May 6, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Friday is here once again! This week seemed to fly by even faster than most.
Here are a few photos from our week.

My son is an early riser. Many days he wakes up before I do. But my husband is up even earlier, getting ready to leave for work, so the two men of the house get to spend some quiet time together. I snapped a picture one morning, as they cuddled and talked.

Our home church does not have Sunday evening activities, but a nearby church offers AWANA on Sunday nights. My daughter has been participating in their AWANA program for 2 years now, off and on. This last Sunday was their end-of-the-year awards program. Here is my daughter wearing her AWANA vest with her "jewels" and patches that she has earned during her time being an AWANA Spark.

My daughter, the bookworm. She curled up on her brother's bed and read this entire book one morning this week.

Both my son and daughter are in this picture - can you find my son? They are playing with a box-turned-into-a-castle.

My mom is visiting this weekend from Wisconsin, so we'll have a fun time together. Remember to do something special for the moms in your life!

Happy Friday to one and all!

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