Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Works for Me Wednesday - Serving the Homeless


Last night we headed to the local homeless shelter to serve dinner, alongside our friends Josh and Christie.

This is seriously such a simple thing to do, yet we all enjoy it so much!

When we started this, over a year ago, we just showed up to serve on the day we had chosen. I had talked with the agency's volunteer coordinator to pick a day that they could use our help. Easy. Show up. Just do what the cook and other workers tell you to do.

After that first time, we told them that we would not only show up but wanted to also bring one part of the meal - usually the dessert. This means that both Christie and I bake tons of cookies to bring with us to serve.

Now we've taken a step further - we bring enough fruit to serve 100 people, along with the cookies and we show up to serve! We decided after last night, though, that we'd try to do even more next time, maybe by providing the vegetable dish too.

There is power in service. It is humbling. It is truly taking the nature of a servant. There is something so special about looking into the eyes of another human being who is hurting and at least for a moment helping meet their needs. To be a small part of the solution feels good and is simply the right thing to do. Not to mention that we always walk away with a new appreciation for all that we have. We are blessed with so much. Why? To be a blessing to others!

Without a doubt, the homeless shelter nearest to you would LOVE to have you volunteer every now and again to serve a meal! Right now, head to Google and put in the name of a local rescue mission. Find their website and contact information. Call them and ask to speak with their volunteer or meal coordinator. Ask them when the next available evening is to come and serve a meal. Schedule it. And do it! You'll be glad you did!

Serving the homeless - it works for me!

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