Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Works for Me Wednesday - The Library


I know a place where you can go and find almost any book imaginable and take it home and read it at your leisure... for free! The only catch is that when you're finished, you have to return it for someone else to have the chance to enjoy it. Better still, these places exist in almost every city in America, so I can almost guarantee you have one nearby!

What is this magical place, this book-readers paradise?


We have gotten so much use out of our local library in recent weeks. My daughter is reading through the Boxcar Children series. She is reading them at the rate of one per day and there is no way that I could afford (or have to room to store) all of the books in the series. This is where the library comes in so handy! We can find the books ourselves on their shelves or I can put a book on hold from my home computer and it will be waiting for me to stop by to check it out. I'm working a few books ahead of my daughter currently, to have the next book she needs ready and waiting.

And my son, being 3, is not reading yet but loves to look at picture books or "I Spy" books or pop-up books. All of these are readily available in the children's section of the library, even categorized and labeled to make finding these types of books very easy.

And the absolute best benefit of all is that all of these wonderful books and resources are available to us for FREE (because public libraries are funded through public money - taxes).

So make use of it! The library exists for you!

The library - it works for me!


  1. We love the library too! I think my favorite is that fact you can place holds because there's no way I can sit and peruse the shelves with my young boys with me!

  2. I love the library and so do my kids! And they both LOVE the I Spy books!
