Friday, April 15, 2011

Family Photo Friday


It's Friday once again! It's been a full week for us. We watched our little buddy Eli 3 days this week and were busy with errands and Girl Scouts on 2 other days. Our week flew by. This Sunday is Palm Sunday and then Easter will be on its heels.

Here's little Eli, happy as can be. He is walking very well now and eating some table food. He's 13 months old now.

My good friend Leah and her 3 children came over one morning this week. Here she is with her youngest son and with my son. Yes, Princess Leah is wearing a crown - the kids were playing dress up! :-)

As a brand-new brand-new Girl Scout, my daughter got her new vest and iron-on patches. She is officially inducted into the troop this morning and will receive a few more pins.
My 3-year-old son did a painting project this week, using washable paints and some leftover wood from one of Daddy's projects. I think this may have been his first time painting.

Last Sunday morning we made homemade cinnamon rolls to take to our church breakfast. Just thought the rolls looked so perfect, I wanted to grab a shot of them.

Spring finally arrived this week - bringing some warmer temps and budding flowers with it! These beautiful daffodils are blooming outside my kitchen window. I love spring flowers!

Happy Spring and Happy Friday to you!

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