Friday, April 8, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Friday is here once again. As always, I am posting some photos from our week.

My kids absolutely LOVE building blanket houses. Here is my son under the card table, prior to the blankets covering it (and him) completely.

Our weather has SLOWLY begun to be more spring-like. My daughter asked one day if she could spend "quiet time" (an hour or so of quiet, reading time each afternoon while little brother naps) outside. I agreed. Here she is, all bundled up but enjoying her Boxcar Children book.

My daughter enjoyed lots of time in the kitchen this week. Unfortunately I didn't snap any photos of her or her creations. Monday we made an apple pie, from scratch, together. Tuesday she and my husband made homemade caramel corn. Wednesday she found a recipe for Bananaberry Bread (banana bread with blueberries) and made it all by herself. On Thursday we dipped strawberries in melted white chocolate for a party we have on Friday. I've enjoyed her helpfulness and enthusiasm for being in the kitchen. I can only hope it continues!

Happy Friday to you!

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