Friday, April 1, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Friday is here and April is here. Another turn of the calendar. Days, weeks and months are just flying by.

As always on a Friday, here are some pictures from our week that I want to share with you.

A together shot of my kids. My daughter has lost her 4th tooth now, including the two top front teeth. So she has the hole in her teeth that makes saying "th" and "s" sounds difficult. Lots of fun.

Here is my son, playing around with a clown nose. It's on his finger, not his nose, though. :-) Silly boy!

It's still been quite cool this week, but my kids headed outside for some recess time anyway. Bikes and scooters have been brought down from the garage attic, though temps remain in the 40s and low 50s. Winter is still holding on this year...

My husband is so good about spending time with our kids when he gets home from work. Here he's playing catch with our daughter.

The Lord holds our days in His hands. None of us are promised our next breath. When my time is up, I want to be ready and I want to know I've lived a faithful life in obedience to my Lord. Praying the same for you!

Happy April to one and all!

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