Friday, March 11, 2011

Family Photo Friday


As much as we are longing for spring's arrival, we had snow again this week. Winter just doesn't want to let go! :-(

But it is Friday! And, all 4 of us are feeling better - Thank You, Lord! I didn't take many pictures this week, but here are a few.

We watched our little buddy Eli one day this week. He is about 13 months old now - such a fun, inquisitive stage of life. He sure does love our pet bird Weezy and often he would crawl back to see Weezy throughout the day. My daughter got Weezy out of the cage for Eli to see up close. He just giggled and giggled.

It doesn't happen often, but when it does I am so thankful - my kids, working together, to clean up a mess. My son loves the power of the Dustbuster and my daughter grabbed the broom. The mess was gone in under 3 minutes - the power of teamwork!

Once again, my son is in a laundry basket. I can't explain why, but he loves laundry baskets and can be found inside of one whenever I leave an empty one laying around. He's such a ham!

Happy Friday to one and all!

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