Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Snow Cream

During the big snow last week, I pulled out two things: a bowl to start collecting falling snow and this recipe for Snow Cream.

Super easy and a fun treat.

1. Collect a large bowl full of fresh snow (best to do this after an hour or two of snow fall, so pollutants are out of the air/snow and you'll be eating only fresh, clean snow).

2. Mix together 1 cup of milk and 1/2 cup sugar (I thought this was too sweet, so maybe slightly less sugar next time). Add a dash of vanilla.

3. Mix your fresh snow into the milk/sugar mixture until you have an ice cream consistency. Ours was a little thin - more like ice cream slush - but it was still delicious.

4. Enjoy!

I've heard that you can put your own spin on this - for example, adding a hot chocolate packet to make chocolate snow cream. Be creative. And by all means, let the kids help with this project! :-)

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