Friday, February 4, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Friday is upon us once again. February came in with a bang - the biggest blizzard in recent memory. I was thankful that we had no plans this week, so we were able to stay put and stay warm. My father-in-law ended up landing here during the blizzard, when he got off his work shift at 11 pm and there was no way he could make it home. Thankfully we live near his work and he could make it this far, so the kids had some extra Grandpa time thanks to the snow.

Here are a few photos from our week.

Cold weather outside means finding fun activities to do inside. My son liked this floor puzzle - we took the picture to show how big it really is. All of the colors and numbers make this a puzzle educational for my little man.

My daughter with a princess puzzle she did this week.

Another fun inside activity for a cold day - baking. What a mess we made in the kitchen yesterday creating valentine cut-out cookies!

Our little friend Eli (that I used to watch full-time) joined us for one day this week. He is almost a year old and is seriously on the move now - pushing walking toys and climbing stairs. My kids enjoyed having him here again. My son especially misses his buddy Eli. [Funny aside: my son has a boy doll that he named Eli many months ago. Now he will say "the real Eli" when he is referring to the living, breathing Eli to differentiate him from Eli the doll. Before heading to church, he'll ask if "the real Eli" will be there. Will the real Eli please stand? :-)]

Here's my wonderful husband and precious daughter. Getting pictures that include Daddy are rare but this one is a gem.

Happy Friday to one and all!

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