Friday, January 21, 2011

Family Photo Friday


Friday is here once again. This week went by quickly - we had things going on each day this week, keeping us busy.

Here's a close-up of my son. The context would be a pencil sword fight with my daughter, whose pencil you can see in the foreground. We schooled 5 days this week and my son spent a lot of time with us at the table, coloring and drawing and cutting.

I think he is starting to look more like a little man this week. Something about his hair or something is making him look older!

Our friends - the Randalls - came over one morning this week. They have 3 girls and a baby boy. It was all dress up, all the time while they were here. In this picture: my daughter with 2 friends dressed as princesses and 1 friend dressed as a cowboy, along with Mrs. Randall wearing the lion mask and cowboy hat! 3 princesses with only 1 cowboy led to some broken hearts and even tears as the cowboy could choose just 1 princess to marry... until they figured out that the other princesses could be daughters and they all lived happily ever after!

Here is a picture of my kids playing with some math blocks. Also in this picture is Sarah, our next door neighbor, who is a good friend of our family. Sarah is 12 years old. She is fun to have around, even for me. She and I have some humorous conversations. One thing I did this week was bring up some probing philosophical questions, which she thoroughly enjoyed discussing. (For example: would you be willing to be blind from age 50 onward to give the gift of sight to someone else who had been born blind? What if the other person was your brother or sister - does that change your answer? Should it?)

Happy Friday to one and all! Make each day count for eternity!

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