Friday, October 29, 2010

Family Photo Friday


The last Friday of October has arrived. This means that 2010 has picked up speed and will be over in a blink! It also means that I post some pictures from our week.

Let me start by saying that our week was rough. Cool and windy fall weather has arrived. One or two of us have been battling sickness all week. I haven't had much energy. So I don't even have pictures of my kids this week!

I started a project recently - scanning my old photographs to save on the computer. This is easy enough to do, as I'm at home throughout the day and can "babysit" the scanning process while doing other things. All part of a bigger project related to organizing memory books for my kids. Above is an oldie - a picture of me at age 5 - one of my favorite childhood pictures.

Due to our family's sickness and Eli's sickness and his mom's already scheduled day off, we only had Eli at our house 2 days this week! I did get one picture of him, enjoying a favorite new food - Cheerios.

We took Thursday off of school to just have a free day at home, for all of us to take it easy. My kids made a blanket fort to play in. We colored pictures. We did a craft my daughter had been asking to do. We napped. It was good. But back to the craft... here are some little mice (and cheese) we created. Didn't get a picture of the kids, but got the mice!

Happy end-of-October to you!

Time is speeding by. Be intentional about how you spend yours!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you all feel better soon.

