Friday, October 15, 2010

Family Photo Friday


Wow, October is already half gone. Oh my!

Here are a few favorite photos from our week.

My son and I enjoying toast with jam for breakfast. Nothing special about it, except that my hubby grabbed the camera to capture it forever. My son is an early riser. His internal clock wakes him up between 6:15 and 6:30 each morning. I wish he'd sleep longer, but I do enjoy the alone time with him before his sister wakes up and before the hustle and bustle of the day.

We had more BEAUTIFUL weather this week. We tried to spend some time outside each day, taking in the temperatures in the 70s! One evening we headed to nearby Thistleberry Farm for a hayride, corn maze, pumpkin patch, etc. Good old fall fun! This picture shows my husband and our son on the Cow Train.

And my hubby and me goofing around. Fun was had by all, I think.

The year is speeding by. Spend your time wisely!

Happy Friday!

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