Friday, October 8, 2010

Family Photo Friday


Friday is upon us once again. We have enjoyed some outdoor time this week, with gorgeous fall weather. We LOVE the changing seasons!

Here's my 2-year-old playing in the leaves.We already have plenty of leaves for raking, with a gazillion more waiting to fall.

A nearby fire station had an open house last Sunday. The kids loved that and so did I (like a field trip that required no advanced planning!). My hubby and my son here, playing with a hose.

Fun-loving Grandma K sent 2 red clown noses in the mail this week for the 2 little ones. Hubby grabbed a tomato and here are the three clowns together.

Last is a shot of my son "reading" a book to Eli - the little guy we watch during the day. Precious moments. My son continues to have the sweetest demeanor towards babies. He is all boy with his older sister, wanting to tackle and hit. But with a baby, he is the complete opposite - tender and oh-so-gentle. I love it!

We will be enjoying a campfire in the backyard tonight with some friends from church. Looking forward to it, along with a relaxing day tomorrow!

Happy weekending!

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