Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Monday

Today is a big day at our house. It's the beginning of the end of the foster parenting prep process. Today at 10:00 am we have our final home walk-through with a rep from the agency. She will confirm
  • we have enough space for a foster child or two [50 square feet minimum per child]
  • we have some safety measures in place [1 fire extinguisher in the kitchen, working smoke detectors on each level]
  • the home study the agency prepared is accurate [this is a 10 page document describing our family, based on our nearly 25 pages of answers to questions about family history, childhood, relationships with parents and siblings, parenting philosophy, values, etc]
  • all paperwork is in place, ready to send to the State for licensing
Lord willing, the visit will go well and things will continue to move forward. Once the State receives the paperwork, they have a deadline of 30 days to provide a license or give a reason for why they will not approve our request for licensing.

I will say that this process has not been fast nor has it been easy. My first contact with this agency requesting more information about foster parenting was January 22. To get to this point has taken us 8 months. As with anything the government is involved with, the paperwork alone is a maze to wade through. The requirements are many, including backround checks, local police checks and fingerprinting. Yet I understand that it's necessary to be thorough and to do everything necessary to ensure that foster children will be safe and loved in our home.

More updates to come. We appreciate your prayers for the Lord's will to be done in our lives as it relates to foster parenting.

"What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

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