Friday, September 3, 2010

Family Photo Friday


The weeks are flying by so fast I can't keep up! The good news is that I will be done with my part-time job as the church secretary in one more week. Then I should have a little more time on my hands. Juggling the part-time church job, the full-time childcare job as well as homeschooling and general "mommying" - my days have been overstuffed and exhausting. Just a week ago I was stressed out and there was no clear answer in sight. Now in just a few days the Lord answered our prayers. I am thankful.

I do have a few pictures to share, though, as summer comes to its unofficial end.

Here is Eli - the little guy we're watching these days. Had a great week with Eli, establishing a better sense of routine and normalcy.

My daughter had some time to play with her cousin and best bud Racquel. Here they are all decked out with jewelry, wands, crowns and gloves... having a blast.

My son has been into puzzles lately. Here he is on the floor with his current favorite - a 5 foot long construction scene puzzle. Dump trucks, hard hats, tools - easy to see why it's his favorite!

My hard-working hubby has been chopping wood in the backyard. Here is my hard-working son by his side with his toy chain saw. He is a helper through and through. Love it!

Happy long weekend to you all!

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