Sunday, September 12, 2010

What does a church secretary do anyway?

What does a church secretary do anyway?

Jobs within the church are a bit nebulous. Besides Sunday morning duties, nobody knows for sure what the staff does. The secretary... what does she do all week?

Last week was my last week as a church secretary. Of course it is bittersweet, but also a relief to be free to move on to the next phase of life. I've greatly enjoyed working for my church for over 6 years.

Here are a few stats to commemorate my resignation:
  • I have personally folded over 31,000 Sunday bulletins!
  • I have answered the phone "Hello. Faith Community Church. How can I help you?" approximately 500 times.
  • I have created and printed promotional documents for church events, to the tune of 5,000 printed pieces.
  • I have attended staff meetings with our church pastors for well over 200 hours, as we've discussed, planned and prayed.
  • I have been responsible for purchasing thousands of dollars worth of office supplies, Christian Education materials, ink and toner cartridges, stamps, etc.
  • One job I won't miss at all - licking envelopes for mailings! I have likely licked over 2,000 envelopes for numerous mailings over the years! Ewwww!
  • Week after week I have organized 10-15 "quiet pack" boxes that our youngsters use during the worship service (they contain crayons, blank paper, some stencils, some small books, coloring pages, etc). 10 boxes organized every week for 6 years means I handled those boxes over 3,000 times!
  • I have printed hundreds of visitor letters - as a follow-up for every person/family that has visited our church and left contact information.
I truly consider it an honor to serve the Lord in this way! It is an honor to serve the Lord in any capacity, but to be a part of His local Church is beautiful... and stressful... and wonderful... and frustrating... and fulfilling... and exhausting. It's been a great run. I am happy to say that I finished this race and can walk away with my head held high, knowing that I gave it my all. Thank you, Father, for the privilege of serving You in this way for this time.

Not much time to rest up for the next race - Foster Parenting!

1 comment:

  1. And you did a great job Shannon. Thank you again for your faithfulness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, and friendship. -Pastor Randy
