Friday, July 30, 2010

Crazy Life

My blogging has become sporadic. What can I say besides that life has taken over.

For the next 4-8 weeks my life will be more out-of-control than I - your control-freak blogging friend - would ever willingly choose!

Transitions. That is what we are facing. Transitions on many fronts.

#1 - Our church is moving. Just a few miles down the road but any move is a major move! As the church secretary, I am in the middle of much of the behind-the-scenes work to make the transition go smoothly. In two short weeks we hope to moved in and ready for a Sunday worship service. Therefore, I am under more pressure. Not related to the move but due to #2 and #3 below... I will be stepping down from my church secretary position after the transition to the new building. So add some job transition stress on top of the other stress.

#2 - I'm taking on a new challenge - childcare! Our friend Julie has asked me to watch baby Eli (5 months old) when she returns to her teaching career next month. I am taking on the challenge! I see this as a "soft transition" to what will come next, with foster parenting. Eli will be an "easy" child to watch and it will just be during daytime hours. This will help me and my kiddos to adjust to having another child in our home, but it will be an easier, more bite-sized transition than a full-time, 24-hour jump into foster parenting kids with "issues." I'm looking forward to it. My heart is at home. I value family and children and being at home, so this seems like it'll be a good fit. We'll re-evaluate how it's going with Eli once #3 comes to fruition, later in the fall.

#3 - We are nearing the final leg of the foster-parenting preparations. Our 15-page documents are completed (for both my husband and myself). A medical form for each family member is turned in. Our "home study" is being compiled as I write this and we should have it to review in a few short weeks. We have a final class to take - CPR/First Aid - and then our official "request for licensure" goes to the state level. They have 30 days to approve or deny our request. It is looking like we would have a yes/no answer around the end of September / beginning of October. Yahoo!

Lots going on. But it's all good. It's progress. It's forward movement in my life, in my family's life and in our church's life. Going forward to what God has for us, what He is calling us to - ministry, people, reaching out more and giving more of ourselves. Ultimately, we will get through the transitions and the stress because we're keeping our eyes on Jesus. It's all about Him anyway. He will get us through the process and create something beautiful out of it all. Praise His name!

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