Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts

It's been a while since I've just written about life. Today is the day!

My husband is in the last days of this semester's class (he is working towards his Masters of Library Science - a requirement for his job). For whatever reason, this semester has been tougher than ever before, on him and on us. And that is saying a lot, as he's been a student most of our married life! When we were first married, we planned a "we made a through the semester and we're still happily married" date at the end of classes. Definitely feeling the need after the last few months, but even better than a date night...

In just one month we will be taking a weeklong trip to CALIFORNIA! On May 27th we will celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss (and stress)! We have never been on a plane together, so this will be a first! Our good friends John and Kate (no, not the Plus Eight ones) live in CA but will be moving soon. Now is our chance to visit while they are still there and for us to reconnect. We have very little planned for our days there, which is probably just what we need!

One other item of significance: we will soon be taking classes to learn more about foster parenting. Classes are the first in a long line of steps to take to being licensed foster parents. For now, we are trying to be obedient to where we sense God is leading us. And for years, adoption and foster parenting have been on our radar. We continue to desire more children and a bigger family, but at the same time struggle with infertility. Last year God practically gave us a bigger house with spare room and we have been asking Him from the start how to use this home for His glory, His kingdom-building purposes. We'll see where this all leads.

The Christian life has been called The Great Adventure. I am excited for what life holds - not because I know exactly where we'll be and what it will look like 2, 5 or 10 years down the road. But I know Him. I know His plans for me are good. I know He is trustworthy. And I know He is worth it - whatever it may cost me to follow Him. I will answer His call and I will follow.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!


  1. I am pleased that you will be getting some time away. Have fun. Jan

  2. I'm so excited for you about your trip!!! Also about the possibility of foster parenting. I'd love to talk to you more about it. Soon!?
