Friday, February 26, 2010

Family Photo Friday

Another week has come and gone. It's Friday again... and the last Friday of February at that! I can't say I'm sorry to see this week come to a close. It's been a long one - with my son being sick for most of it. Therefore, I have only pictures of my daughter this week and they were all taken on the same day (you'll notice the same bright clothes in every shot). But I won't apologize for that - my daughter is gorgeous and growing up before our eyes! :-)Here is my daughter doing a little magnet project.
Educational - yes. Required for school - no.
She found a book on magnets that included a few easy experiments, so she gathered the supplies to do them. This one was a container filled with different materials - then using a magnet on a string to see which items were magnetic.

My daughter thought this bright outfit looked Chinese. So she grabbed some wooden skewers and an umbrella to pose as a Chinese girl. Don't ask me where she comes up with these things! :-)

A final close up shot of my beautiful blue-eyed girl. She's 6 and 1/2. I love her so and am I ever thankful that I get to spend my days with her, teaching her, watching her grow in so many ways!

Happy end-of-February, y'all!

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