Friday, February 12, 2010

Family Photo Friday

Once again Friday is here.
The days fly by like pages of a book left open in the wind. So true.

As is my Friday custom, here I've posted a few pictures from our week.

Last Saturday my daughter got to spend the day with her best buddy - her cousin. They both looked so cute, I just had to get a picture!

This picture just makes me laugh. My son is turning in to quite the ham :-)

And he's got the "say cheese" bit down pat for the camera. Here he is with my hubby. Yup, like father, like son. I think they look a lot alike in this shot.

And the week wouldn't be complete without mentioning the piles of snow we received this week. Here is my daughter pulling my son in the sled. How fun!

Sounds like almost all of America has some snow on the ground - so go make some fun family snow memories!

Happy weekending!

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