Friday, February 5, 2010

Family Photo Friday

The first Friday of February is here! Already the days are getting a little longer and the hope of spring is in the air! Here are a few photos from our week.

This is our neighbor Sarah reading to my son. Finding a wonderful neighbor like Sarah was one of the best results of our move last year! She's a great friend to my daughter and a fun babysitter-type to my son (he calls her We-wah; it's very sweet).

Last Sunday night was our church's annual tubing party. Here is my daughter and her cousin all dressed up and ready to tube!

My son found my Bible on the end table one day. He climbed into the chair and started thumbing through it, saying "Je-tuh" (Jesus) as he did. Precious moments these are!

Lastly is a great picture of the most important people in my life - my hubby and our two littles. On Dad's lap to read a book. Big smiles. Life is good!

Happy Friday, one and all!

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