Friday, January 29, 2010

Family Photo Friday

It's Friday once again. The last one of January, which is cause for much rejoicing! Most of us in the midwest are ready for spring. Anyway... we're in the middle of a computer upgrade and at the moment I don't have a way to download pictures from my camera. But this week I did have access to my new printer/scanner and was able to scan some old pictures. So here are a few "blast from the past" pictures of me, about 13 years ago when I worked at a Christian summer camp for inner city kids.

Dressed up as an Indian princess for a role in a mystery theatre

A camper and me

This was me with my boss Lisa - who took a chance and hired me that summer without having ever met me! We've been friends ever since. Not to mention that my husband and I owe her big time - without her hiring my husband to work there that summer and me to work there that summer, we never would've met!

This is a favorite photo of mine - me on the steps of the camp's candy shop where I worked all summer, serving a snack to each group of campers each day.

I love photos because I love memories... and photos are the best way I know to recall memories. But it's the memories that make the photos valuable.
So go make some memories with your family this weekend (and take some pictures to remember the occasion)!

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