Friday, January 22, 2010

Family Photo Friday

As I type "It's Friday" I find myself singing the Hallelujah Chorus. :-) Indeed, Friday is here once again. And on my blog, Fridays mean Family Photos. Here are a couple from our week (well... it's been one of THOSE weeks, so actually all of these are from one day this week)

My son, bless his little heart, wanted to help me out. He did. He vacuumed the entire living room floor and still didn't want to be done! He is very much the helper - wanting to be a part of everything from hammering nails with Dad, to browning meat with Mom, to helping Sister dump the trash. He is a helper through and through!

My daughter got a free McDonalds shake this week (thanks to an educational freebie coupon I received from my homeschool group). In a surprising turn of events... she shared the shake with her brother! :-) Such a rare moment this was, so my husband grabbed the camera to take this photo. No, honestly, my kids have their moments but are getting better at sharing, playing together and being kind to one another. Definite progress is taking place!

Grandma R sent home a play easel for my kids. How fun! One side is a magnetic board (that came with upper and lower case magnet letters). The other side is a chalkboard. You'd think the chalkboard was invented literally yesterday the way my kids raved about it! We have already found many ways to tie this in to homeschool projects and school work.

That's a glimpse into my week.
Tune in next week for the next installment of Family Photo Friday!

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