Friday, January 15, 2010

Family Photo Friday

It's Friday! Yippee! Here are a few photos from our week.

First up, my son, the sweet little snitch :-) I'm glad he's snitching, though. He really doesn't eat much, but would still be content to just drink milk all day long. So I'm happy to hear him say that he wants to eat and I'm trying to keep healthy snacks (like these raisins) handy for him to munch on.
It was a "cuddle up with a blanket" kind of week at our house. Cold. Some sickness going around. My son grabbed a blanket and laid on the floor to "weep" (that is, sleep, to this 2-year-old).

And my daughter was cuddling with a blanket too (a new afghan, really... new and homemade by Grandma R). When I look at pictures of my daughter these days, I can see how she is now less little girl, more little lady. Growing up.

Happy Friday, one and all!

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