Monday, December 21, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Christmas week is here!! Do you know what you'll be having for meals this week? We have a short week, as we head to Wisconsin and stay with at my mom's Thursday through next Tuesday. Yeah for a break from planning and preparing meals! So I will only be planning meals for 3 nights this week (and some take-along sandwiches and finger foods for the trip).
  • Slow cooker rice and pork chops
  • Smoked sausage coins, french fries, mixed fruit cups
  • Breakfast for supper (waffles or pancakes, scrambled eggs)
My dear friend Kate and her family will be joining us on Tuesday night for supper (they are originally from the area but now live in California, back visiting Indiana for the holidays). Then before we know it, Christmas will be here!

If you're at a loss for what to make this week, check out for hundreds of meal plans and recipes posted as part of Menu Plan Monday!

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