Monday, December 14, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Is it just me or are the days flying by even faster than usual?! Here it is the start of a new week once again. My weeks always run smoother if I have a menu plan. A few minutes of thought now saves major time and mental energy later! So here is what we'll be eating this week:
  • Breakfast for supper (scrambled eggs, waffles/pancakes)
  • Homemade beef and noodles
  • Ham / green beans / onion skillet
  • Smoked sausage and french fries
  • Sliced turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade biscuits
  • Crispy country chicken, potato wedges
  • Herbed tuna sandwiches

We have been on a self-imposed "how low can we cut our food budget" challenge! So far, so good! Our food budget for December is $300, which is already lower than usual for us (our food budget includes any expenses for eating out - which is extremely rare for us - as well as Christmas baking ingredients, diapers, toiletries, cleaning supplies, over-the-counter meds, etc.) But we're trying to get by on even less this month. We have taken inventory of everything in our freezer and our pantry. Then we're finding creative ways to use what we have without having to buy additional items. My husband also made a quick trip to the grocery store on Friday and found "manager's special" milk for $1 per gallon and some meat for less than $1 per pound. Good finds!

How about you? Do you plan a menu for your week? Does it help you? If you need more menu planning ideas, check out for hundreds of other menu plans posted each Monday.

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