Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday - Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a wonderful program that shares millions of Christmas gifts with needy children around the world.

For many years now, our church has participated with Operation Christmas Child, asking members of our congregation to pack a shoebox or two. You can decide to pack a box for a boy or a girl, choosing between different age ranges. Then it's as simple as collecting/buying small items that will fit in your box and bless a child. Toothbrushes, soaps, small toys, stuffed animals, crayons, notepads are all good suggestions. My daughter especially enjoys shopping for "our child." This is a wonderful way to start a discussion with your children about compassion, about generosity, about practical ways to reach out and about the importance of the Gospel message.

To be a part of this tremendous outreach, follow this link to find a drop off location near you: National Collection week is Nov 16 to 23rd, so hop to it!

Spreading joy around the world through Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes... works for me!

1 comment:

  1. We did Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes this year, too! (you probably saw the pics on my blog)
