Monday, November 9, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

It's hard to believe but Monday is here again. It seems I'm on again, off again the menu planning bandwagon... but only because I fail to take the time early in the week to create a menu plan that saves me major time and brain power later in the week. But this week, I'm all set! Here's what we'll be having for supper this week.

  • Salad, ham and bean soup (compliments of Grandma R)

  • Frozen veggies, grilled chicken

  • Tacos

  • Homemade chicken pot pie (with mixed veggies)

  • Slow cooker porkloin, carrots, potatoes

  • Chicken tetrazini, steamed cabbage

  • Crispy country chicken, peas, potatoes

And I will be starting on my holiday baking this week. I've purchased all the ingredients to make at least 3 batches of Scotcheroos, 4 batches of Oreo truffles, and 4 batches of cut-out cookies. My two local sisters-in-law and I do a cookie exchange, of sorts. We each are responsible for making massive amounts of certain types of goodies. We get together with the kids to decorate all the cut-out cookies. And we divy up everything to make goodie trays to share with family, friends, neighbors, pastors and whoever else. :-) Sister Sheila makes scores of buckeyes (peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate). Sister Karen makes chocolate chip cookies, fudge, snickerdoodles and party mix. And, like I said, I do Scotcheroos, Oreo truffles and the cut-out cookies (which will be interesting this year, since I have no oven... read more on that here).

I'll share one holiday recipe each Monday.


Crush up one package of Oreos (or generic equivalent). With hands, blend one package of softened cream cheese with the crushed oreos. Form into small balls (bite sized). Roll in powdered sugar. Refrigerate or freeze.

Doesn't even pretend to be healthy... but they are delicious. And help fill out our goodie trays.

Happy eating!

To see other menu plans, visit Menu Plan Monday here

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great. And good for you for getting a head start on the holiday baking! Care to come to my place and get started on mine, next? :)
