Friday, June 28, 2019

Baby Boy Turns 2


This daring little boy is turning 2! 

He's a climber, that's for sure. He can often be found standing up on stools, chairs, tables, and desks and reaching as high as he is able, to seek out some treasure (like a pen, off-limit toys, etc).

He adores his siblings. Anything the older ones are doing, he is following closely in their footsteps.

Drumming with the others and getting instructions from Mr. Music, 3-year-old brother.

Following big brothers around at the playground.

Most of the time the big brothers don't really like this little shadow. And yet there is the occasional moment when they do play together nicely. Here they were playing spaceship - each having their own bunk-bed in the spaceship while on the way to the moon. Creative!

Being dressed up by big sisters... it's all part of that youngest child role! :-)

Piggy back rides from Daddy are his favorite way to go to upstairs or on walks in the neighborhood.

This remains one of my favorite pictures of this baby boy. 
So sweet!

We're all looking forward to celebrating this weekend!

Happy birthday, Mystery! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Trips to the Zoo


We have been to the zoo a few times this spring. We are well acquainted with our local zoo and know where our favorite animals are located and how to avoid the most popular/busy spots for a more relaxed walk through the zoo.

While these zoo trips are old-hat for my older kids, the younger ones really enjoy all there is to see. 

The zoo train and the carousel are always highlights. 

We're thankful for our local zoo!

Monday, June 24, 2019

Marriage Resources


I'm not a marriage expert, that's for sure. But I have been married over 19 years now and have learned a thing or two on this journey.

Here are a few marriage resources that I would recommend to anyone wanting to grow in their marriage relationship, whether newlywed or old married folk like me. 

  • The book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

  • The book Marriage After God by Aaron and Jennifer Smith. 

  • marriage articles 

  • marriage articles

  • The podcast Marriage After God with Aaron and Jennifer Smith.

  • The podcast Faithful Life with Matt and Lisa Jacobson

I love that we can continue to learn and grow in our marriage relationship. We learn more about one another while also learning more about marriage, its purpose, God's design for marriage, etc. In the last year, I've enjoyed many of these resources and they've broadened my understanding of marriage and given me a greater vision and purpose for my marriage. They've also given my husband and I great date-night discussion fodder which has helped us grow closer together and be on the same page. All good things!

I encourage you to invest in your marriage by reading and listening to what others have to say about the importance of marriage. Discuss it together. Grow together. 
A healthy marriage means a healthier family. 
A healthier family means a healthier society. 
Nobody can argue with the great need for healthy marriages and healthy families this day and age. 
Well, the good news is that there are resources available! 
Take advantage of them today!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Vacation Bible School


Last week our church hosted Vacation Bible School. My oldest son participated, while my oldest daughter and I both volunteered. 

This year's theme was "Roar - Life is Wild but God is Good!"
Each day there was a different focus on the times when life is wild - like when I'm scared, when I'm sad, when life changes... but in all of these times, God is still good. 

The setting was jungle and African savanna. Our church did such a great job with decorations! My husband and oldest daughter volunteered to help with decor and loved being a part of the transformation. 

So many creative people in our church that put their gifting to work on these projects. So fun to see a side of people you don't normally see or even know is there.

 I helped with PreSchool Snacks, so about 70 Preschoolers went through our snack area where we served them and also interacted with them (asked questions, reviewed the theme and Bible verse of the day, etc). This was our snack room, where the kids rotated through in groups of 15 or so. My job was to keep water pitchers filled, prep plates for the next group coming in, clean up messes, wipe down tables, etc. We stayed quite busy, which made the time pass quickly. 

My oldest daughter helped lead a group of elementary students. It was a stretching week for her, but she truly enjoyed the week and didn't want it to end. 

My son participated in all of the elementary activities and had a wonderful time. 

It was exhilarating to be a part of something big and exciting, interacting with 400 kids and over 100 other volunteers. Every aspect of VBS - from the snacks to the high impact worship songs to the interactive Bible stories (just think of walking through the Red Sea and feeling the mist... yup, they did that!) - was intentional, gospel-focused, and fun all in one. 

When the final night was done, we stayed for an extra hour to help with clean up. This was a sacrifice of sleep, after a very long week, but even the clean up process was a bonding time with other volunteers and was fun. 

Overall, VBS was a wonderful experience that we were glad to participate in. And we were exhausted and glad that it's only a one-week-per-year event! :-)

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Girl Time


My 5-year-old was feeling left out recently, as all of the other children had some special things they got to while she was too big or too little to participate.

So, she and I enjoyed an afternoon out together. 
Just us girls. 

We enjoyed some shopping. She picked out a new swimsuit and new shoes. Both very sparkly and bright with sequins and jewels. She's one who loves everything flashy! 
And she got an ice cream cone too, which was perfect for our hot afternoon out!

Love you so much, Rosebud!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

First Flights


Two of my kids experienced their first airplane flights this week! 

This took place at a nearby airport and was available for kids ages 8-17. The pilot was a volunteer, was very friendly and willing to answer any questions the kids had.

My 5-year-old was sad to miss out, but did get to sit in the pilot seat for a picture.

The local firemen had fire trucks available for the kids to climb in while they waited for their airplane rides. The little ones really enjoyed that.

What a neat opportunity for a young people! 

You can learn more here about the organization that puts these free flights on for kids across the nation and look for a similar event near you: