Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Homeschool Co-op End of Semester


We have once again come to the end of a semester of our homeschool co-op. 

This semester was different in a few ways. First, my oldest daughter (age 15) opted to sit this semester out. She stayed home and did her usual school work while the rest of us participated in co-op. She quickly found out that she missed co-op and was very bored by herself at home and has decided to rejoin co-op for the fall semester. I'm glad! 

Secondly, this was my first semester in a new role at co-op. I had previously served as the Treasurer for our group, but began as a Co-Director this semester. I have learned a lot more about the behind-the-scenes planning that takes place to make co-op so great! Working alongside two other gals, I was able to be a part of the initial planning of meetings, overseeing the computerized class registration process, laying out the schedule for every kid and every mom to know where to be all 4 hours, helping make morning announcements, filling in wherever help was needed, taking pictures throughout the semester, and helping to plan the final program. This was a growing experience, for sure! 

For my kids, this was another great co-op semester. My oldest son was in Gym, Nerf War, Christian Heroes, and Creatures that Defy Evolution. 

He had to do a presentation on the Christian Hero of his choosing. He chose John Bunyan. We read some books about him and researched together, creating a posterboard. This was his first ever presentation in front of a class. He did well! Here he is with some visual aids he used - a copy of Pilgrim's Progress and a Lego scene with John Bunyan in jail. 

My 5-year-old participated in K-1 classes this semester. She took Gym, Art, ABC Show & Tell, and Cook & Book. She enjoyed all of her classes. Here she is showing the page of her ABC book for the letter S with her drawing of our bird Skittles and a sunshine.

Here she is with a little cake she decorated in art class.

Her favorite part of co-op is being with her good friend Addy!

My 3-year-old moved up to PreSchool this semester. This means more structured learning time, with a focus on one community helper each week. They also play big group games in PreSchool gym, which he loved. 

My littlest guy was in the nursery all 4 hours. I popped in occasionally but was not in there regularly. He handled it so well. He has no attachment issues whatsoever. 

He loved the days when there were balloons to play with.

And the brave nursery leaders let the kids paint (something I'd never let him do at home). He loved that!

Our Scripture passage for this semester was Ephesians 3:14-21. "For this reason, I kneel before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you being rooted and established in love may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpassed knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." 

We practiced this passage each week, working to memorize it. At the end, any kids who can recite it from memory receive a small reward. So we always practice it at home as a family so even the littlest ones know some of it by heart.

We're so thankful for our co-op. It's so encouraging to see each mom using her gifts to teach or lead or facilitate or help. And I love sharing in my kids' excitement over something new they learned or a game they played or whatever. We always have to take turns in the van on the way home so each person can share what they did at co-op. So much enthusiasm and excitement. We love our co-op!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Park Fun


I surprised my kids with a fun morning at the park this week. I was a fun mom, for a change.

I have to remind myself that I'm in a new season of life. My youngest is almost 2 and not a baby anymore. I am not pregnant or nursing, as I have been for the last 5 years of life. So this summer, there is newfound freedom and adventure awaits! 

So we went to the park and enjoyed being outside together. A couple other families joined us, so each of the kids had some friends to play with too. This is a newly remodeled park with lots of fun options for all ages. 

I'm realizing that I have not been good at finding joy in the little things or just truly enjoying being around my family. I'm working on this. Today was part of the solution - spending time playing and just having fun together.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Field Trip: Indianapolis Children's Museum


Our family headed to Indianapolis for a day-trip recently for a visit to the Children's Museum. It had been almost 10 years since we were there last, so a number of our younger kids had never experienced it. Dad took the day off work and the whole family headed out for this field trip.

This museum is very kid-friendly so it afforded lots of opportunities for our littlest ones to walk/run/explore somewhat on their own. We visited on a Tuesday, which was a great day to visit as it was not nearly as busy as a weekend. 

There were displays on the Terra Cotta army from China...

water tables for the kids to get wet with and learn about rivers and waterways...

the cab of a combine for them to ride in, with a simulator showing the corn rows on the screen as they were heading into them. This reminded me of my childhood, wanting to ride with my Grandpa Nelson in his combine during harvest.

There were hands-on music displays with xylophones...

and big drums!

There was a large Preschool play space which was so perfect for the little ones to enjoy sand tables, water tables, art projects and a jungle-gym all for them and all inside and supervised.

We learned a little about gems (notice my pretty girl wanting to stand by all the pretty jewels and gems). 
So many beautiful colors on display!

And we learned about rocks.

There's an Indy 500 racecar for the kids to climb into.

The Fireworks of Glass display is something to behold, climbing 4 stories through the middle of the museum. Twisted colored glass. So pretty.  

The kids can play with twisted colored plastic bottles and create their own "fireworks" display. There were also displays with Pop Culture, Children Who Made a Difference (like Ryan White, Ruby Bridges and Anne Frank), Paw Patrol playground, a Dinosphere.

The highlight of the museum was the new outdoor sports area. Large spaces to play football, baseball, soccer, tennis, golf, ice hockey, basketball and more were perfect to get the wiggles out before heading back to the van for the drive home. 

The huge treehouse playground was the biggest hit.

There's my oldest son waving from one of the upper decks. (It was completely safe, with rope netting all around so nobody can fall through).

A silly shot from the museum.

And a silly shot of my daughter with a statue we found on the streets of Indianapolis.

We enjoyed a pizza supper at a local, non-chain pizzeria. Yum.

And our final memory of this trip will be my 3-year-old having a bloody nose on the way home. He was scared and screaming and it was rough until we could get to a gas station bathroom to clean him up. After that, dad sat next to him and kept him calm by pretending they both needed "elephant tusks" (nose plugs) for the rest of the ride home.

Oh the joys of traveling with children.
Oh the memories! 

The Indianapolis Children's Museum is expensive to visit, however a family can easily spend a whole day there. The addition of the outside sports area adds tremendous value and there is free parking too. My kids didn't want to leave, which is a sign of a good field trip. In my opinion, this museum is good to visit every 5-10 years. That allows the displays to change so you're not seeing things you've already spent money to see. 

Overall a good field trip and much needed family time for us! Thank you, Indy!