Thursday, April 25, 2019

Being 5


I have a five-year-old girl. Five is fun!

One of her favorite things to do is play with her good friend, Jolene, who is also five years old. She and Jolene have enjoyed lots more outdoor playtime now that the weather has been warmer and more spring-like. Jolene's mom captured this picture and shared it with me.

She is learning to read. She loves that! She asks to "do school" almost every day. Now that she can sound out words, she is writing things down. 
Here are a few samples of her writing.

This one with dozens of hearts on it was written to me on a really bad day. I was super frustrated and it showed. She's only 5 but she picked up on it. She wrote "Mom, I love you. I hope you are not frustrated." She does have a tender, compassionate heart that reaches out to those in need or hurting. I could see her doing well in a field like nursing as a career some day.

This one says "Weather. I think the weather is going to do a tornado." So maybe she'll be a meteorologist! She seems especially fascinated with tornadoes these days.

This is a sample of a painting she did at our homeschool co-op. It's cherry blossoms and then cherries in a bucket. Perhaps she'll be an artist or painter.

She enjoys helping in the kitchen. She loves to mix batter or pour ingredients or roll cookie balls or even help do the dishes after all the baking fun is done. Maybe she'll be a baker or chef someday. 

She loved the carousel at our local zoo. Smiled and waved the entire time. 

In fact, she really does smile almost all the time. Other people have noticed this and pointed it out to me. "Every time I see her she is giggly and smiley. Is she always so happy?" Of course, not always, but generally she is a happy child and usually wears a smile. 

If you ask her, she'd tell you that she wants to a princess when she grows up. She continues to love all things beautiful - dresses, jewelry, fancy hair bows, bling. We are trying to teach her that what makes her most beautiful on the outside is her smile - more than anything else she wears. I think she's taking this to heart! :-)

You're precious to me, Rosebud!