Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sunroom Make Over


My oldest daughter and I recently took on a BIG project. We have spent nearly 100 hours over the last few months transforming our sunroom into a family room. 

A few before pictures...

The room was just wood paneling, left untouched since the 1960s. There are 12 windows that are old and inefficient, but we couldn't afford to replace them all at this time. 

The flooring was 1960s tile and contained asbestos. 

Very first step - replace a section of the wood paneling that was water-damaged. Here is my daughter ripping out the old and then a shot of the new piece in place, prior to painting.

First steps - removing all curtain rods, face plates, trim and vent covers. Then priming the walls white. Such a drastic change from the wood color.

My daughter chose the color scheme. It was an exciting day to put this beautiful blue color on the walls! 

Then we painted two walls gray and painted all the wood trim around the windows white. This was very tedious work that took many, many hours. 

Next came a big step of installing new flooring. We covered over the asbestos tile with hardibacker cement board. 

On top of that we laid carpet tiles. What an improvement!

We went with a "coastal" theme with these decorations and accents... lanterns, sea shells and star fish, boat oars and a Be Still/ocean waves sign that we created with our accent color.

My daughter created these three canvas paintings using the two wall colors plus our brighter blue accent color. So easy and yet so cool! They look great on this one short wall.

We installed baseboard and corner trim, along with a coat rack / mudroom space, which completed the room. 

The room is now usable space! A lot of work went into the room but it is a joy now to use the room as more than a walk-through to the garage. The colors delight me and remind me of a summer day at the beach! 

When funds permit we'll put some kind of window treatments up and finish up some decorative touches. 

We kept this make-over a secret from our extended family, surprising them at Thanksgiving when they walked out to the usual "dining room" for our big group to find the room was redone and so lovely. 

Good work, dear daughter! It's been suggested that this girl might have a future in interior design :-)  I considered this a bit of our homeschool curriculum, to give her a chance to learn some new skills, to work hard to complete a long-term project and try her hand at some creative decorating. And our entire family benefits from the transformation of this room from trashy, wasted space to a comfy and cozy room that we all enjoy now! 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Homeschool Co-op Semester Ends


Another homeschool co-op semester has come to an end. Our co-op meets for 12 weeks in the fall and then takes a break until spring when we'll meet for 12 weeks again.

As a big group we memorized Philippians 4:4-9 this semester: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received from me or heard from me or seen in me, put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you!"

My oldest daughter had these classes this semester: Show Choir, Introduction to Economics, Study Hall and Beauty School. Above is her Show Choir class performing "Hot Chocolate." They also did a song called "Ugly Christmas Sweater." 

My oldest son signed up for: Gym, Games, Science in the Bible, and Public Speaking. He always loves Gym. His games class involved learning some new games and even making a few games, including this Foosball game. In Public Speaking class, he learned how appropriate behavior for public places like restaurants, stores and libraries.

My littler girl was in Preschool with her best friend Addie. She absolutely loved co-op this year. She loved her teachers and seeing Addie on a weekly basis. The Preschool class wraps up the semester with a Pajama Party and a movie. So much fun this semester! My girl and Addie will both be moving up to Kindergarten classes in the spring semester, so they received a diploma as a Preschool Graduate at the final program. 

My two littlest boys were in the Nursery. I was in there with them for 2 of the 4 hours this semester. My 3-year-old did great in there, not caring whether I was there or not. He has come a long way over the last year! 

My 1-year-old also did very well. He has always been a little more independent and less attached, so he too didn't mind whether I was present or not with him the nursery. 

The schedule in the nursery is: 
1st hour -  free play and storytime
2nd hour - Cheerio snacks 
3rd hour - free play and a craft 
(as well as a change of all diapers) 
4th hour - Goldfish snacks and clean up 

I taught a Senior High Speech class this semester. I've taught this material before, a few years ago. I had 5 students who presented object, demonstration, inspirational, persuasive, impromptu and historical-character speeches throughout the semester. In this picture, student Ellie is handling a cockroach, which fellow student Nolyn brought in for his speech on cockroaches as pets. 

We're thankful once again for our co-op -- for the friends we've made, for all that we've learned together, for the focus on glorifying God and learning Scripture together, for the freedom to gather together and learn together.